"and said unto him, I am the Almighty POWER; walk before me, and be thou perfect." Beresheit 17:1
Shalom Mishpakheim, what an honor it is to unify and join together in righteousness before YEHOWAH, the ALMIGHTY, and ONLY POWER. We will serve YEHOWAH in oneness and emulate our lives according to HIS words. YEHOWAH told our forefather, Avraham, to 'walk before me, and be thou perfect.' What does this actually mean? Can we reach a level of perfection that is pleasing unto The Most High? Yes, it is possible and we work everyday to reach this level of obedience unto HIM.

I am Sar Dael B'Yisrael, and I have walked with The Most High steadfastly for over three decades. Since coming into this truth in 1989, my life mission has been to remain an avid devotee to doing the works of The Most High and unifying HIS peoples. Throughout this time, I firmly developed my spiritual roots at Shma Yisrael Makhaneh in Brooklyn, New York under my teachers Nasi Tseppor Zevulun and Sar Naftalei Ben-Naftalei in late 1990. Here, I learned vital information about this way of life along with learning the language of our forefathers. I trust that YEHOWAH has granted me divine insight into HIS Torah. When I had at least 7 years under my belt, I attained a major stature as a Sar, which in Ivreit means to be a Cheifman of Yisrael. My life is governed by the strict guidelines of The TORAH and I do not falter or limit myself to doing the ways of The ALMIGHTY. With many accolades, I trust that I can guide and lead others in the correct direction of performing the ways of life that YEHOWAH has commanded of us. Together we can build a strong nation, but divided, we will always fall.
I am Nasekah Nekhamyah B'Yisrael, and I have walked with The Most High steadfastly for eight years. My roots began in the year 2015 and I began to learn more and more about this way of life through reading and learning from others. I have dedicated my life to being a woman of Yisrael, and helping to remove the shackles from the many minds that Western enslavement has conditioned us with. With a rise in feminism, women's empowerment, and degeneracy in the modern-day woman, my goal is open the eyes of those that wish to escape the viscous cycle that has long kept us from being proper wives, sisters, friends, mothers, and most importantly Daughters of Zion; that is aligned with TORAH. As we strive to embody our fore-mother, Sarah, we will face much push-back, but when we stand together--we can surely save our women from the detriment that will come.